Butchers Block

The Ultimate Guide to Smoking with A Traeger Grill
Jun 15, 2021
Consider this your ultimate guide for everything you need to know about how a Traeger Grill works, what makes different models more expensive, and how you can use a Traeger Grill to get the best smoked meat of your life. When you're ready for the most frustration-free way of smoking, a Traeger is a great investment. You'll never look at smoking the same once you start using one.

How Does a Smoker Work
Jun 11, 2021
A critical step when you want to learn to smoke meat is to understand the way a smoker works. There are several designs on the market with similarities and differences in the way they make smoke. Once you know how your smoker works, you'll be able to control the temperature and the amount of smoke to perfect your grilling skills.

Burch Barrel: Perfect for Outdoor Entertaining
Apr 27, 2021
Today we're going to share with you one of the coolest new cooking devices we've seen in years: The Burch Barrel. We've been spending some time lately pushing our Burch Barrel to its limits so that we can share the experience with you. Follow along as we lift the lid and get cooking.

Pellet Grill vs Charcoal Grill
Mar 05, 2021
If you are thinking about upgrading your grill this year you might be on the fence between spending money on a pellet grill or buying a high-quality charcoal grill. Today, we'll discuss the pros and cons of these two types of grills to help you narrow down what the best buy for you and your cooking style may be.

Ultimate Guide to Buying a Grill
Feb 23, 2021
One of the most thrilling days for any grill master is the moment when you buy a brand-new grill. We want you to pick the best grill out there and we know there are a ton of options to pick between, so we put together this ultimate guide to buying a grill or smoker.

Arrow Basics: Parts of An Arrow
Feb 09, 2021
Arrows seem like simple things until you're trying to decide which is the best for hunting or target practice. So we put together this guide to help novice archers understand the differences and how to choose the best arrows.