Butchers Block

The Best Sharpening Stones to Hone All Your Dull Knives
Jan 04, 2022
A lot of people have dull knives in their kitchen drawer because they're concerned they might ruin the blade by incorrectly using a sharpening stone. This is a very real fear, but never underestimate the importance of a sharp edge – it's essential. So we want to help by showing you the different types of stones and how to choose the right stone for the type of knife you are sharpening.

Our Most Trusted Butcher Knives
Mar 16, 2021
Being butchers, some days it can feel a little like juggling knives at work. Fortunately for our fingers and toes, we've found a few knives that really do it all, so there's a lot less reaching for the next blade throughout the day. We're going to share with you some of our most trusted butcher knives we actually use.

Our Favorite Kitchen Tools & Essentials for Holiday Meal Prep
Nov 27, 2020
Holiday meal prep is about more than having the coolest kitchen gadgets. But when you're making a big meal for family and friends, there are some kitchen essentials that will make your experience fun and memorable. We're going to share some of our favorite kitchen tools that will make it easy to prepare your next holiday feast!

Victorinox Boning Knife Review
Sep 22, 2020
We have discussed a little in our videos and blogs about these boning knives and why we like them, but today we are going to go in-depth with one of our absolute favorites: the semi-rigid 6” boning knife with rosewood handles. This is an attractive and affordable stainless steel knife that will surprise you with how often you reach for it in your own kitchen. 

Caring for Your Kitchen Knives the Right Way
Jul 14, 2020
When you invest in a new knife set for your kitchen, it is essential to know the right way to take care of them. Properly caring for your knives will ensure a lifetime of use. It is incredibly easy to damage a high-quality blade by not caring for it correctly. Once you know the right way to take care of your knife set, it will become second nature. Today, we'll share some of the tips we have learned over the years to make sure your blade stays sharp and in good shape.