Butchers Block

Smoked Turkey Brine Recipe
Nov 12, 2021
After years of struggling to find ways to cook a turkey without drying the breast meat out, we discovered that the best way to make a delicious Thanksgiving Day turkey is to brine it and then smoke it. The smoke flavor is a perfect compliment to the light meat and the brine ensures we never end up with dry, flavorless turkey. We're going to share some of our top tips and recipe ideas so you can wow your friends and family this holiday season.

FAQ: Fall Wild Turkey Season Ohio 2021
Oct 26, 2021
Fall wild turkey season is just around the corner and we couldn't be more excited to get out in the fields and track some wily gobblers. Regulations in Ohio for turkey season are much more strict than for many other species, so you'll need to understand the laws before setting out to hunt. We put together this frequently asked questions article to help answer most of your questions. 

The Best Smoked Meats
Jul 30, 2021
Figuring out the best meat for smoking isn't always easy. If you've fallen into the habit of just grabbing baby back ribs or a pork butt every time you fire up the smoker, it can be difficult to be creative and try new things. So we're sharing our favorite cuts, recipes, and seasonings with you and giving some expert tips to make sure your smoked meat is delicious every time.

All About Turkey Jerky
Jan 22, 2021
Jerky is a great snack when you're on the go. It's easy to eat, provides protein and other nutrients, and it's delicious. One of our favorites is turkey jerky, and not just because it's so fun to say. Today, we'll discuss the benefits of turkey jerky and we'll even share a recipe we like to use to make turkey jerky at home.

Top 5 Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Nov 20, 2020
For some people, Thanksgiving is all about the side dishes. The perfect side dishes will compliment your turkey by adding flavors, textures, and colors to your Thanksgiving menu. Here are some of our favorites!

The Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Recipe
Nov 17, 2020
Today we want to show you a simple method of making an excellent super juicy turkey every time. This is a great recipe you can make without a bunch of special equipment, hard-to-find ingredients, or crazy cooking processes. We hope you have a great Thanksgiving with friends and family and enjoy our tried and true recipe!