Butchers Block

What is Beef Tallow?
Feb 26, 2021
Making tallow at home is a fantastic way to limit the amount of waste from a butchered animal and it makes a wonderful cooking medium. It's also  one of the best ways to gain delicious oil for frying and cooking. We love to use tallow in recipes, and we also use it to season cast-iron pans, griddles, and BBQ grates. Learn how to make it yourself with things you probably already have in your kitchen!

Grass Fed vs Grain Fed
Jan 15, 2021
We get a lot of questions about the difference between grass-fed and grain-fed beef. Today, we're going to discuss the real differences that matter to buyers and share some tips for making good purchase decisions at your local butcher or grocery store. And don't miss our favorite Picanha Beef Skewers recipe at the end!

Is Beef Jerky Healthy?
Jan 12, 2021
Beef jerky is one of our favorite snacks because it's easy to pack and delicious, but it can't be good for us, right? It turns out that beef jerky can be good for you, but choosing the best beef jerky is the important thing. There are lots of factors impacting the healthiness. Today we'll tell you about the benefits and drawbacks to beef jerky as a snack.

The Best Smoked Brisket Recipe
Jan 08, 2021
Beef brisket is one of those cuts of meat many people are too intimidated to try cooking. Brisket can be a challenge – it is a lean and tough cut that often is overcooked. But don't let it get the best of you. Today we're going to tell you how to smoke a brisket Texas-style for a great meal your family will love.

The Best Way to Reheat Steak
Dec 29, 2020
The key to a deliciously tender and juicy reheated steak is the method you use. Today we'll examine some of the pros and cons of a few different methods of reheating steak you can do at home for excellent, repeatable results. Follow along and we'll show you how to reheat your steak so it's almost as good as it was in the first place.

Our Favorite Beef Tri-Tip Recipe
Dec 15, 2020
Cooking a perfect tri-tip isn't hard when you know how to do it right. We're going to share with you our favorite way to make juicy, tender tri-tip. One of the great things about this cut is that you can get great results without a ton of extra steps or special equipment, and you can have a delicious meal ready to serve in less than two hours.