Butchers Block

The Best Grilling Basket for Vegetables, Fish, and Small Items
Jan 18, 2022
Grill baskets come in a lot of different shapes and sizes to serve different purposes. The grill basket also opens up the opportunity to grill some things in creative new ways using ingredients you normally wouldn't put on the grill. So today we're going over what you can grill with each type of grill basket. 

Why Medium Rare is Always the Perfect Steak Temperature
Jan 14, 2022
Some strong opinions can come out when you're at a restaurant and someone at the table orders a well-done steak. You might see the look of disgust on another person's face, the shocked puzzlement of why anyone would ever order an overcooked steak. It might seem funny or even over the top, but there are actual reasons that medium-rare is considered to be the optimal temperature for steak. We'll explain why medium-rare steak temp is ideal and also give you some tips to help hit the perfect internal temperature each time you cook so that you get consistent results.

Griddle vs Grill: What You Need to Know
Dec 28, 2021
Grills are one of the most iconic American cooking instruments that are practically a requirement for outdoor get-togethers. Most people are more familiar with griddles at diners and restaurants where the flat surface sizzles and sears in the background all day long rather than a tool for cooking up some steaks at the next holiday barbecue. But a griddle can unlock opportunities to prepare a wide variety of food items with an easy-to-clean cooking surface.

Charcoal vs Gas Grills
Nov 26, 2021
Ultimately, despite considerable differences in appearance and cost, charcoal and gas grills differ in only one meaningful way: the fuel. While that may not seem like a big deal, it's actually a significant factor to consider for the flavor of your food and the type of grilling you plan to do most often. Learn which one is best for you!

Smoker vs Grill – What is the Difference?
Jul 20, 2021
Choosing between a smoker and a grill is a challenge. Before you shell out hard-earned cash, we want to let you know about the functional differences between grills and smokers that can make or break your decision.

How to Tell If a Steak Is Done
Jul 13, 2021
Cooking a steak can be stressful when you aren't sure how to tell if it's done. Steak can be touchy – just a minute too much and the steak is overcooked. With time comes experience, and you'll learn to tell when a steak is done using several techniques. But when all-else fails, an instant read thermometer is your best bet!