Butchers Block

avoid oversmoked meat
Aug 01, 2023
The meat-smoking process involves balancing ambient and internal temperature, smoke, and time. If any one of these three factors is off, your smoked meat won't come out right. Follow along for our secrets to fixing over-smoked meat that has a bitter taste.

Dirty Smoke: What Is It And How to Avoid It
Mar 31, 2023
Dirty smoke is a problem that everyone who operates a smoker will encounter sooner or later. Charcoal smokers are much more likely to produce dirty smoke than pellet smokers, and adjusting the smoker to prevent dirty smoke is different for both.

The Perfect Smoke Ring: How to Get it Right
Mar 30, 2023
The sign of a proper job smoking meat is when that first slice is made and you see the delicate, deep red ring surrounding perfectly cooked meat. In order to learn how to get good smoke rings you need to know why the smoke ring forms to understand the tricks for getting it right.

Guide to Slow Cooking: How to Barbecue Low and Slow
Mar 30, 2023
Most of the time when we want to cook something like beef brisket or a pork roast, we use a pellet smoker to get the flavor and texture we are after. We also realize that not everyone has a pellet smoker, so we want to talk about the best ways to cook low and slow on a charcoal grill.

Guide to Wrapping Brisket: How, Why, and With What?
Jan 25, 2022
Smoking brisket is one of those things that requires steadfast patience and is probably the most stressful thing you'll put in your smoker. Wrapping a brisket during the smoking process is one of the more misunderstood and inaccurately used steps. So we're going to explain all the "how," "why," "when," and "with what" questions you've got about wrapping brisket or any other large hunk of meat you are smoking.

How to Make Smoked Beef Jerky
Nov 30, 2021
Making jerky at home isn't hard, but it does take a long time. Fortunately, it's worth it. You'll end up with a better quality, healthier jerky making it yourself when you know some of the best tricks out there. We love making jerky because it gives you the chance to get creative with flavors, textures, and proteins. Making jerky in a smoker takes your snack to the next level, letting you play even more with unique flavor combinations. Learn how!