Butchers Block

Everyone has their own little trick for guessing how done a piece of meat is, but why leave it up to chance? One of the features our Traeger Smoker has is a built-in wireless meat thermometer. Now, we didn’t realize how vital this accessory was until we started using it.
So, of course the next thing we wanted to know was whether we could get a similar experience with an aftermarket BBQ/Smoker/Grill/Oven thermometer, for when we wanted to cook on something other than our Traeger. It turns out we could! These wireless meat thermometers are our favorites out there. They range in price from around $35 to nearly $200, and have numerous features you will fall in love with.

Pulled pork is an excellent, flavorful way to cook a pork roast. We're going to be breaking down the entire process all the way from preparing the pork shoulder, to smoking the meat. This smoked pulled pork recipe is so good, you’ll catch yourself munching on it a la carte.

Most people start their culinary adventures with a set of kitchen knives sold in a wooden block that doesn’t cost very much. Now, let’s get this out of the way – there is nothing wrong with a boxed kitchen knife set and most amateur chefs won’t benefit a bunch from buying high-dollar kitchen knives. The best knife in the world won’t make you a better cook, but a good quality set of kitchen knives will make your meal preparation faster. So today, we are going to discuss the types of kitchen knives out there and how they are used.

What is Bone Broth and Why You Should Make It Somewhere back near the beginning of time, our ancestors...