Butchers Block

Bearded Butcher Blend Rebel Red Sauce
Feb 12, 2021
Our Rebel Red sauce is a slightly sweet and spicy sauce you'll want to put on everything from fries to burgers. It'll quickly become one of your favorite hot sauces. We made this recipe for the adventurous eater who wants an all-natural and gluten-free habanero hot sauce perfect for any dish.

All About Turkey Jerky
Jan 22, 2021
Jerky is a great snack when you're on the go. It's easy to eat, provides protein and other nutrients, and it's delicious. One of our favorites is turkey jerky, and not just because it's so fun to say. Today, we'll discuss the benefits of turkey jerky and we'll even share a recipe we like to use to make turkey jerky at home.

Bearded Butcher’s Blend Seasoning: Hollywood
Dec 04, 2020
After Seth's opporunity to compete on the first season of the reality TV show “The Butcher” from the History Channel, we wanted to make a seasoning blend that evoked big dreams and even bigger chances to do something new and different. This limited edition blend had to be something special. The Hollywood seasoning blend is like special effects for your mouth. It’s bold. It’s savory. It mesmerizes your taste buds.

Bearded Butcher Blend Seasoning: Black
Nov 10, 2020
This creation came about because of our love of all things robust, smoky, and sweet. It’s dark and mysterious, and is a perfect compliment for beef and wild game. We crafted this blend to highlight the deep flavors of molasses and coffee that compliment one another so well. The Black blend is all-natural, gluten-free, and has no additives just like the rest of our seasonings. Learn more!

Top 5 Blackstone Griddle Recipes
Oct 16, 2020
Griddle cooking can revolutionize your backyard experience. Today, we're going to share some tips and tricks we have learned using the Blackstone griddle – including the right way to season the surface and some of the best recipes we love to make.

Spare Ribs vs Baby Back Ribs
Oct 13, 2020
It would seem like buying ribs for your next cookout would be a simple process, until you're sitting at the butcher's counter trying to choose between spare ribs and baby back ribs. Which one is better? What's different about cooking baby back ribs over any other type of ribs? Today, we'll show you the differences and give you some tips for preparing the different cuts. It's all about the ribs baby!