Butchers Block

Grilla Grill vs Traeger
Mar 30, 2023
We recently got to take the chance to try out the Grilla Grill and we were impressed with the overall construction and how easy it is to use. To give you an idea of how it works and the features we like, we will compare it side-by-side with a fan-favorite pellet smoker from Traeger. These two products have a lot in common which makes for an ideal comparison.

Classic Homemade Eggnog Recipe
Mar 30, 2023
Making your own eggnog from scratch is simple to do and sure beats store-bought. This recipe will teach you the traditional way of making it—and give you bragging rights over all those friends who still buy their nogs in cartons.

How to Make Pork Loin on the Smoker
Mar 30, 2023
Pork loin is a fantastic cut of meat for cooking on the smoker. It is a large cut that lets you serve lots of people and the lean cut of meat is an ideal canvas for getting creative with flavors.

Thanksgiving Turkey Gravy Recipe
Mar 30, 2023
Turkey gravy brings every main and side dish on your holiday table into perfect harmony. We’re going to let you know our practically fool-proof method of how to make gravy from turkey drippings for the most authentic and delicious Thanksgiving dinner.

How to Carve a Turkey
Mar 30, 2023
Carving a turkey can be an intimidating step, but it doesn't have to be when you know the easiest way to accomplish the task. We're sharing our method of carving the turkey and plating it so that your holiday meal is as beautiful as it is tasty.

Cooking With Beef Fat vs Pork Fat
Mar 30, 2023
Tallow and lard are wonderful ingredients for frying and baking, and they are one more way we can ensure that we are using as much of the animal as we can.