Butchers Block

10 Must Have Pellet Grill Accessories
Jun 18, 2021
It doesn't matter whether you are smoking, searing, or barbecuing on a pellet grill, there are a handful of important accessories you need. Tricking out your brand new Traeger or trying to find the perfect gift for the pit master in your life is a whole lot easier with this list. We've compiled the ultimate accessory items you'll want for your pellet grill. Check it out!

How Does a Smoker Work
Jun 11, 2021
A critical step when you want to learn to smoke meat is to understand the way a smoker works. There are several designs on the market with similarities and differences in the way they make smoke. Once you know how your smoker works, you'll be able to control the temperature and the amount of smoke to perfect your grilling skills.

What is Reverse Sear?
Jun 08, 2021
When you slice through the crisp, crackly crust and reveal tender, juicy beef, you know that steak is going to be delicious. Getting the ideal sear isn't difficult, but it does take a little practice and some know-how. So we're going to explain how a reverse sear works, why it creates such a fantastic piece of beef, and how you can get that five-star texture and flavor at home.

How is Charcoal Made?
Jun 04, 2021
Charcoal is one of those mysterious variables in grilling and barbecuing. For every charcoal product on the market you'll find at least a dozen opinions about what is best, most traditional, or most flavorful. One thing is clear – not all charcoal is the same. The way different types of charcoal is made contributes to how the product works. You can even blend different types of charcoal to get unique flavors from your meat. It all starts with how charcoal is made.

How to Cook a Medium Rare Steak
May 21, 2021
One of the most intimidating things that you will face as you start to become an experienced grill master is how to know exactly when to pull your meat for the perfect finish. There are a few things you can learn to watch for and a couple tools that will have you making the perfect medium-rare steak in no time.

What Is Brisket?
Apr 30, 2021
Let's talk about one of the most misunderstood cuts of beef around that also happens to be one of our favorites to smoke on the Traeger – brisket. Brisket is a tough cut of beef that needs to be prepared correctly. But don't be intimidated, you can use simple and effective flavors to get a fantastic meal your family will enjoy.